
Taliesin West :: Scottsdale, AZ

I had the opportunity to visit my aunt and uncle in Phoenix, Arizona this past month. I am ready to go back. It was a crazy-fun four day adventure. The activity never stopped and even on the very day that I was to fly home, Aunt Tricia and I visited a place that I really wanted to see and photograph -- Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West in Scottsdale, Arizona. Amazingly beautiful place. It was built in 1937 as a Wright's winter home, studio, and also an architectural campus.

We were not able to tour the place (just leaves me something to do for next time I visit), because my flight was leaving at 1:40 (really 1:20, but that's a whole other story...ask me how I like flying standby) and the scheduled tour would not be over in time. Also you are not allowed to wander around the grounds unattended, so we went as far we could and I got a few photos of the place. I look forward to going back sometime and seeing inside.
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
So this is where we were being horrible tourists and tried to sneak in with the group going in. I wasn't very sneaky, because my camera is too loud and I take too many pictures. But we almost made it, until the tour guide lady said as she was leading the group into the first building, "You will all have green bracelets to show you are a part of this tour." Oooo, we don't have one of those...
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ

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